Lisa – Intuitive & Spiritual Mentor
Soul Reading
A Soul Reading helps you get answers and receive activations to take the next step on your journey. It’s often the last push or confirmation you need to move forward. Getting this clarity supports your growth, transformation or healing.
What is it?
I’ll be channeling your guides, teachers and loved ones who filter the information from the Akashic Records. This is a library of consciousness that keeps track of all information about every soul.
For every soul there is a record or a book that details: All the thoughts, actions, situations that occurred to your soul in the past, present and future. By accessing this information you can gain wisdom, clarity that puts your current life into perspective.
Since we are working with the frequency of unconditional love and compassion, the guidance you receive works on a deep, cellular level that provides healing.
For whom?
You keep repeating the same mistake over and over again and want guidance to break through them
You don’t know what your next step is in your career, relationship, health
You want to heal certain wounds that seem deeply ingrained, e.g. visibility wound
You want clarity about your ancestors, your family lineage
You want to activate your potential and learn about your authentic self (your soul)
How does it work?
- I explain you the process of the session so you can make yourself comfortable
- I open the Akashic Records to channel your loved ones, teachers, ancestors and answer to your questions
- 60 minutes reading
- 30-40 minutes: You can ask 3-4 questions
- 20 minutes: Mentoring to help you integrate the information and take the next steps
- When your open to this we can schedule an additional mentoring session